Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Instant Video Crimes

These days, it's easy enough to do this on the internet with one hand and a few clicks. So. I confess it all here now...

In August of this year, Tammy was asked to do a looper demonstration for a kids workshop called Rock Camp for Girls. After some thought, she decided to fish out an "unpublished" song from her repertoire and began to rehearse it with the looper in mind.

This inspired the idea for the instant video project. The instant video was supposed to be some kind of weekly challenge to blog a "music video" shot and performed in just one take. It would be a way for us to share, stay creative and demo a set of songs that Tammy can do on stage on her own with a help of looper. And we decided to do it because (a) we can, and (b) this is is in fact what we do, what we're supposed to do and what we've been doing since we met each other almost twelve years ago.

This composite photo compares the shot from our first attempt with the final release. It shows how a simple, supposedly off-the-cuff idea, went through some troubleshooting before it was officially uploaded. I still just wanted to upload our first try even though I wasn't too happy with the shot. I was mildly annoyed that the battery operated lantern is on the bookshelf in the background and that the door was visible behind Tammy. I set up the shot in the spirit of the web cam instant YouTube performances where the background almost never gets the consideration it truly deserves. But Tammy insisted on making some changes to the lyrics and almost a full month later, we decided to try it again.

It didn't take that long. Given a second chance, I was sure that the best thing about the original shot was the stripey shirt matching the keys on the keyboard. I exaggerated the shot and we did about eight takes. We uploaded the final take.

We tried doing credits with Post-It notes too but none of that turned out either. I did quick typewriter credits. Just to get it out already. I matched the two sound recordings we made during the shot (hence, the clapboard) and mixed a combination of two sound sources. We started around midnight and the video was uploaded the same day.

I guess it took a lot longer than what the "instant" in the name Instant Video might ordinarily lead you to believe. I guess I'm confessing to the time and thought and the re-tries that went into this. I don't even know why I need to. I just want to stay honest.

Tammy and I do agree that this is only a one day project. Keep it simple. Of course, our minds will always be thinking about what we'll do for the next one.

A very brief history of our Instant Videos on YouTube.
Check out: Gravity Song, For Ever, and In the Swamp.


Blogger WEBmadman said...

Yay! I love it- it's "almost" instant, but the single day constraint is good. This is reminding me of the Radio Days project, I'd love to see a weekly vid, but understand it's not easy to squeeze in.

Keep it coming...

October 2, 2008 at 2:26 PM  

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